North East Somerset

Mogg Watch

Conservative majority 14,729





Jacob Rees-Mogg is an eccentric figure known for his Roman Catholic values and polite old world manners. On the positive side some constituents say he is a courteous responsive MP.

However, he is an explicit climate science denier. He has claimed that “climate alarmism” is responsible for high energy prices, and that it is unrealistic for scientists to project future climate changes when meteorologists struggle to correctly predict the weather. In 2014, he was referred to the parliamentary standards watchdog for failing to disclose energy company interests. He is an advisor to Economists for Free Trade: The group has close ties with delayist and denialist organisations working out of offices in and around Tufton Street, including the Taxpayers’ Alliance and Institute of Economic Affairs.

Our Group

Our Group

Our Group

We are a small core group of around 8 people with wider support from the community. We meet once a month, sometimes on Zoom, and we organise events to engage with the public, such as a table in the markets and high streets around the constituency. We highlight JRM's voting record on the release of sewage into our waterways in the local press . We have been surprised at the positive support we have received. 

We are keen to grow the group and would especially welcome people who are savvy with social media.