Hastings MP Watch (Sally-Ann Hart)
(Sally-Ann Hart)
Conservative majority 4043
Sally Ann Hart is a Conservative MP who was a magistrate and councillor before she became MP.
Like most Conservatives, she largely votes with the whip. She has made a special issue of ensuring that absent fathers should pay to support their children. She has also recently done some good work on the area of our polluted rivers and seas although she voted against the Labour amendment to the Environment Act that would have limited sewage dumping into the sea. She also voted against measures to bring the carbon net zero targets into the heart of every government department. She has a 4k majority and is in a marginal seat.
She is a member of the Conservative Environment Network, though constituents who have engaged with her report that she doesn't seem to have high levels of knowledge of the science of climate change.
Sally-Ann Hart Watch began in October 2022, instigated by outraged local Hastings and Rye constituents.
We are small in number and at present meet irregularly though we will be increasing our action towards the election. We have met with Sally Ann and also went to parliament to 'green card' her, ie to ask for a meeting with her in parliament. We did put a placard on Sally Ann Hart's constituency office to draw attention to the fact she voted against the Labour amendment to stop the dumping of sewage. We would love new members.
We are also monitoring the work of the Labour candidate Helena Dollimore who looks set to become the next MP for the area. Helena is good on the sewage issue but doesn't seem very informed on Carbon Net Zero or the nature crisis.