Shrewsbury and Atcham
Shrewsbury MP Watch (Daniel Kawczynski)
Conservative majority 11,217 (19.0%)
Our MP Daniel Kawczynski holds a few records of interest. He is the first recognised bisexual MP, and the first Polish-born MP in parliament. He is also the tallest MP. Unfortunately, he has distinguished himself in other ways too. He has been suspended from parliament for bullying staff, been exposed courting lucrative second jobs with Saudi employers and been reprimanded by his party for attending a far-right conference alongside the likes of Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orban. He also came to national attention when he tweeted incorrect information about EU fruit tariffs, alongside a photo of him holding some lemons in his local Tesco.
Locally, his voting record on sewage has caused anger in his constituency, which is affected by sewage leaks in the Severn. He is also a long-time supporter of the North West Relief Road, which will take 130 years to be climate neutral. His voting record on climate issues is consistently poor according to theyvoteforyou.com.
We are a small group and need more members. Particularly, if we are going to challenge Kawczynski at some of the local gatherings that he arranges within the villages outside of Shrewsbury.
Please get in touch if you'd like to join the campaign: dkshrewsburyuk@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!